Copyright 2011 by William A. Mays, Proprietor
To those who wear the Gun and Badge and tread where dangers lie,
Who face the killer" on the lam" or the junkie on a high,
For some it’s asphalt jungles, the dark and hostile streets,
For others it’s the open road, the highways are their beat.
At times their life depends upon whose quickest on the draw.
Will it be the cop who wins, or the thug outside the law?
They’re often judged and often scorned, but seldom are they praised,
By those they serve who soon forget they die a thousand ways.
In an alley all alone, out numbered six to one,
Or on a highway far from home, by a psycho with a gun.
Molded by the job they do, they are hard and cold at times.
Yet the toughest cop can anguish too for the victims of a crime,
The murder victims are the ones, the nightmares at their worst,
And every cop sweats and hopes that they will catch the killer first!
The woman raped and left for dead, the abused and helpless tot,
Makes every cop seethe with rage at what law degrees and legal fees have bought.
They have seen the killers freed, befriended by the courts,
Before the ink is even dry upon police reports.
As bleeding hearts lament the plight of killers doing time,
The cop working on the streets sees the victims of their crimes.
While a lawyer counts the proceeds of a headline making case,
The cop sees shattered families with the anguish on their face.
There are few who understand what every cop must feel,
As they observe the rights of those who murder, rape and steal.
While the cops out on the streets defend the innocents cause,
The "rights" of those who kill and rape are guaranteed by laws.
While victims lay beneath the sod, and anguished loved ones grieve,
Few cops respect the mercy their killer will receive.
Now you may judge the ones who wear he gun and badge at times,
But keep in mind it’s they who care for the victims of a crime.
They profit not when evil is done, receive no legal fees.
But let them make a small mistake and the armchair expert sees.
The lawyers safe within their lair, with soft un-calloused hands,
Their legal fees their only care, they don't want to understand.
The psychiatrist with a theory, the Zealot with a cause.
Their six figure incomes all depend on how they twist he laws.
The judges whose compassion is misguided and misplaced,
Their Ivory Towers shelter them from the dangers cops must face.
You may scorn and criticize, their attitude and style.
But look at justice through their eyes, be a cop for just a while.
Would you do their job each day and observe the blood and gore?
For their benefits and pay, would you fight their daily war?
Would the insults you received, from the hostile and the rude,
Bother you or anger you and affect your attitude?
So remember when you see a cop lose their self control,
That too often when the system fails, it’s the cop who pays the toll.
In a system filled with loopholes, and void of common sense,
Where the hoodlum seem to have control, the cop’s our best defense
So try to understand a bit, the problems they endure,
Remember that a cop may die, protecting you and yours!
© 1987 Ivan L. Fail, Retired Federal Correctional Officer

The Poetry of Ivan L. Fail, USMC ret., Federal Corrections Officer, ret. |