Copyright 2007 by William A. Mays, Proprietor

Carrie McCandless, who cheated on her husband with a 17-year-old boy from the school where she taught English, will be sentenced June 8 for her part in the sordid affair. Mrs. McCandless had been employed as a teacher at the exclusive Brighton Charter High School at 1931 E. Bridge St. in Brighton CO, a suburb of Denver, where her unfortunate husband is the school's principal, Chris McCandless. Events came to a head last October when the 29-year-old slender, blond schoolmarm chaperoned a school field trip to Estes Park CO, near the Rocky Mountain National Park. While spending the night at the YMCA of the Rockies, Mrs. McCandless produced a bottle of whiskey and shared it with two students. Later, she and the 17-year-old in question went to a room together alone. There they proceeded to fondle and grope each other "over their clothes." Court records do not indicate, but the Police Gazette has experience with such situations and we can attest to the fact that "over their clothes" though it may have been, it still "counts," as it were.
Though arrested and formally charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and unlawful sexual contact with a minor, among other things, Mrs. McCandless broke the conditions of her bond by attempting to contact the teenager yet again. At that point prosecutors revoked her bail and sent her back to jail. Husband Chris McCandless stepped up with the additional $25,000 bond to get her back out. When asked how the relationship between husband and wife is going these days, M. Trent Trani -- Mrs. McCandless' lawyer -- replied "They're fine," a statement which either stretches the boundaries of legal credulity or proves mister a worthy challenger to Job in the department of patience.
After much legal wrangling, Carrie McCandless agreed to plead guilty to unlawful sexual contact, a misdemeanor; contributing to the delinquency of a minor, a misdemeanor; and tampering with physical evidence, a felony. She will spend a total of 45 days in jail, then receive supervised probation for five years and registration as a sex offender for ten years.
It is not our place, at this juncture, to editorialize on the relative lightness of the sentence or its severity vis-à-vis what a male offender might have received, but rather to here present the faces of stealthy seduction. Innocent looking, young blond school teachers who have gained our trust while at the same time helping our sons to lose their virginity: A Police Gazette Rogue's Gallery: Blond Pedophile School Teachers.

Another Pedophile Pedagogue to Be Sentenced June 8 |
Blond Female Teachers Go Dippy over Underage Boys |
May 23, 2007