Copyright 2011 by William A. Mays, Proprietor
It’s time to quit blaming America ’s youth
For selfish behavior and contempt for truth.
We’ve counseled our youth to respect the law,
In spite of it’s vices and character flaws.
But hypocrisy is hard for youth to respect,
In lawyers, judges and crooks we elect.
This incestuous Trinity of power crazed fools,
Who legislate, litigate and adjudicate rules.
That manipulate, complicate and adulterate truth.
Then condemn those traits in America ’s youth.
“Monkey see, monkey do” is instinct based.
When “truth is salted and seasoned to taste”.
Double standards have raped respect for the law.
Double standards are America ’s great character flaw.
And employing the law to plunder and fleece,
Is how the palms of attorneys are “greased”!
The lawyers suggest and guide legislation.
For built in “job insurance” in all situations.
Thus Black robed bureaucrats and greedy attorneys,
Keep routing “Justice on commercialized journeys”.
Both have prostituted and raped Its role,
To gain power -, sate their greed --, and tighten control.
Serial litigant plaintiff shills,
Empower attorneys to “go for the kill”.
This “Eternal Life Golden Goose”,
Is a vital component of the “System they juice”.
The courts are the trough where these predators feast,
Self empowered, self governed and self policed.
It’s there that the Devil can plunder at will.
It’s there that lawyers “have the license to kill”.
Where powerless prey are bilked and fleeced
By Sovereign Entities who are “self policed”.
America’s youth can easily see,
That the license to steal is a Law Degree.
Double standards are not lost on our youth.
They can analyze and interpret the truth.
From a forked tongue “spewing it’s power”,
At two hundred fifty --, and UP per hour.
These white collar crooks with law degrees,
Seek more deductions on their legal fees.
But as their legal retainers soar
We are forced to “cough up more”.
We CAN NOT deduct their legal fees.
We’re not “Immortalized with Law Degrees”.
The Second Amendment is all we’ve got
To keep lawyers from calling ALL of the shots,
And crush the electorate under their heel,
Adding slavery to their license to steal.
Accountable to none but their own ilk
They plunder, extort, bully and bilk.
The classic example of power unchecked
That we’re forced to retain, appoint or elect.
While courageous Americans are protecting freedom,
They protect our Allies, defend ‘em and feed ‘em.
The rats in our ranks with law degrees,
Trample the legacy of patriots like these.
They bully and bilk “in the name of the law”,
Then resent the conclusions that society draws.
Tyranny ticks in the legal profession,
While America ’s BEST are fighting aggression.
Across America the courts are clogged,
With frivolous lawsuits, “dog eat dog”.
Setting examples for America ’s youth,
Of the lawyer’$ ver$ion of “justice and truth”.
We condemn our youth for conclusions they draw,
When they witness extortion “in the name of the law”.
Conventional criminals are watching as well.
And their attitude hardens in their prison cells.
They watch the lawyers plunder at will.
While sticking the innocent with the monstrous bill.
And petitioning Congress, these larcenous jerks,
Want tax exemptions on their exorbitant perks.
Now conventional criminals are quick to view,
The “lucrative clout” in the “license to sue”.
And the special privileges and tax break perks,
That Congress bestows on their “Fellow Jerks”.
If we ever expect America ’s youth,
To respect the law as a “Vessel of Truth”.
Then you and I all have the job,
Of ridding the Law of the larcenous slobs.
Who rape the spirit of justice and truth,
And set rotten examples for America ’s youth
On “both sides of the law” Americans wait.
Fervently hoping that “Heads of State”.
Will rein in, hobble and muzzle the beast,
Which exploits the Courts as a “Trough to Feast”.
As long as “Justice” remains a ruse,
That larcenous, unscrupulous hucksters use.
Contempt for the law will continue to soar,
For Justice is locked outside the door.
Attorney/judge discipline reform is a must.
If the Courts expect to garner our trust.
Unless and until NON lawyers have power,
And effective oversight of these “Ivory Towers”.
Mistrust and contempt for the law will continue,
In every case and every venue.
So it’s time to snap to a powerful truth,
The LAW generates “contempt in our youth”
And bad examples in the legal profession,
Teach America ’s youth greed and aggression.
When “anything goes in the name of the law”,
Just what conclusion should teenagers draw,
Or “hardened” convicts who made a career,
Of “theft by deceit” -, to buy food and beer.
© 2009 Ivan L. Fail, retired Federal Prison Officer and 2 time defendant in malicious, frivolous lawsuits which have given me an education on the legal profession and how it generates "contempt for the law" ---, on both sides of the law.

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